Saturday, 7 January 2017

What is Virtualization?

Virtualization is the process of introducing a layer of software in a computer system, immediately above the hardware it runs on, with the purpose of creating a platform that everything else can use. Think for a moment about the system of roads in your area. They provide a flat, consistent surface that can be traversed by any type of vehicle. If they didn't exist, vehicles would have to travel on the bumpy dirt surface of the Earth. Some vehicles wouldn't have a problem with this, because they are designed to work in that environment. Others, though, would find progress slow if not impossible. Virtualization levels the play field and makes it possible for capabilities that wouldn't normally exist to become commonplace.

How is Virtualization Used?
Today, the most common use of virtualization, and likely the one you are familiar with, is the virtual machine. A virtual machine is a software-based version of a personal computer. It provides access to various peripherals, and software packages, just like its hardware-based equivalent. Other types of virtualization include:

Server - in this type of virtualization, a server is installed on a virtual machine, and several may run on a single hardware platform. Mac, Linux, and Windows servers can exist in this form.
Presentation - in this type of virtualization, processing is off-loaded to a remote computer system, and only visual elements are handled at the workstation. Companies like Citrix (Met) and Microsoft (Terminal Services) are examples of this.
Network - in this type of virtualization, network functions, such as switching and protocol analysis, are implement in software. Companies like Cisco offer products of this type.

Storage - in this type of virtualization, traditional storage devices, hard drive and disk arrays, are combined into a single, seamless entity. Companies like Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure), and IBM (Smart Cloud) offer products of this type

Operating System Virtualization terminology
Host: The Operating System on which the Virtualization software solution runs is called the host.
Guest: The Operating System which is run inside the Virtualization software is called the guest.

Installing a Virtual machine
Will first install Virtual Box as hypervisor
Base OS is Windows 7 
Guest OS will be Ubuntu  14.04

Installing Virtual Box


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this course is design to give student the fundamentals of microcomputer system in both hardware and software perspective and use of computer for  basic office use .thus it enables student to gain hands-on experience with operating system and application software such as word processors spreadsheet ,and internet
understand basic computer terminologies and history of computers
understand computer hardware and software fundamentals
become proficient in use windows and Linux environment
create word processing documents and understand word processing fundamentals
use electronic spreadsheet to solve the problem
use the internet and world wide web in accessing/search information and sending receiving messages

installing and configure program in the computer system

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